League 22/23 Week 1 and Week of the advanced matches of Weeks 4, 5, 7 and 14

Well yes, we have done it again.

We have started our leagues again. The 22/23 League has started with new teams incorporated into the WABOL® family and with a great spirit.

The league is made up of classic teams such as the Àguiles de Barcelona WB, Mumswabolwss ​​WB, Barcelona Caminants WB, Barcelona Walkers WB, Esportiu de Barcelona WB and new teams such as Racing de Sant Cugat WB, Laru Mataró WB or C.D. Cervello WB. And, as said, with great spirit and in many cases with great talent.
Some friends of the Gandhi Foundation are also part of our teams.


Luisa Barba

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