2 touch & walking

Gallery of images and videos

WABOL® galleries

League 23/24

WABOL® Women’s Tournament 03/09/23

League 22/23
Presentation of WABOL® at UE Sant Andreu

Vl solidarity awards Fund Cat.  Futbol

Round robin in Mataró 12/02/23

Mixed training on 5/02/23

Four team tournament at CF Singuerlín

Nobember 2022

Centenary of CE Laietà

European Week of Sport Sant Cugat

European Week of Sport in La Teixonera

WABOL® in Badalona         

WABOL in Colliure, France

Mixed of WABOL®

Christ. tournament 2021

 WABOL® tour ESI 2021

Various training

Video gallery

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Do you want to give life to your life?

Are you retired and would you like to do a sport that suits you?

You will exercise and meet people like you.

Come play WABOL®.