Next September 22, 2018, Catalonia will celebrate its first Popular Games in El Vendrell
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In these First Catalan Games have established a total of 15 sports disciplines among which are some widely popular as football 7, basketball and handball and others who want to promote and publicize more widely as the WALKING FOOTBALL (walking football) or the mamanet (a version of catchball).In order to open the participation to as many people as possible, have established male and female category and also three categories by age.Specifically, people between the ages of 18 and 30 can participate in the category A, category B people between the ages of 31 and 45 years old and category C, aged 46 and over, in the category.
In total, it is expected that there are around 4,600 people aged 18 and over who will be part of this proposal with which they want to highlight the sports experience and the experience over the results obtained.
News of Consells Esportius de Catalunya
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By Luisa Barba