WABOL® Walking- Mixed Tournament 2024. Scoring a goal for Alzheimer’s!

Last Saturday 7th September a WABOL tournament was played. A magical and solidary day in which we united to score a goal against Alzheimer.
Together with the players of Mumswabol, the Association “Recuerdame”(Remember Me) and the help of the graphic arts company, in the fantastic installations of Marcet-Meiland in Barcelona. The event was held with the objectives of collecting funds and to make public the fight against Alzheimer of the Recuerdame Association.

Thank you very much to all the participants!

¡Muchas gracias a todos los participantes!

Moltes gràcies a tots els participants!

Большое спасибо всем участникам!


Clic here to see the video


Luisa Barba

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