TVE with us in the training session

A training with many new players.

TVE (spanish national TV channel)  filmed the Walking Futbol Union training on Thursday, the 10th.

Every day more new players sign up for the presentation and trial sessions of our new sport Walking Futbol Union. Our dear friends of the Gandhi Foundation played together with other players, an example of the perfect integration our game offers.
Orenes interviewed by TVE
Silvio Sims Szegedi and Steve Archibald (founders of Walking Futbol Union)
Ladislao Kubala Jr. interviewed by TVE
Pere and Francesc
Gandhi Foundation players: Manel Abad, Jesus AlbóJosé Ramon VilanovaPaco Casas, Enrique Serrano. Monitor Esteve Olivella
Training session on October 10, 2019
Some photos are courtesy of Francesc Perez and Esteve Olivella


Luisa Barba


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