Sedentary lifestyle is considered one of the great epidemics of the 21st century, being directly or indirectly responsible for many of the deaths that occur in developed countries. Aging, especially linked to sedentary or inactive lifestyle, is associated with a progressive loss of functionality that leads to an increased risk of disease, loss of independence and mortality. The sport practiced by elderly people must therefore be a sign of the relevance of physical exercise at any age, but especially during old age. It is never too late to start exercising, but the sooner the better.
Science has shown that one of the main factors that will make us reach the so-called “healthy aging” is lifestyle and in particular exercise. Walking Futbol Union is an ideal exercise that is based on 3 pillars:
1-Physical exercise; being part of a WALKING FOOTBALL team with their workouts, games and exercises, means complying with the recommendations of the WORLD HEALTH ORGANIZATION.
2-Mental exercise; the requirement of concentration due to the continuous active participation in the game, results in that during matches and training the mind is 100% concentrated on the game therefore helping to fight diseases such as senile dementia, Alzheimer’s etc.
3-Social activity; stop being socially isolated !!, you meet and interact with teammates and also with members of other teams.

By Silvio and Luisa Barba